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Main » 2009 » March » 25 » Updated NF 3rd Anniversary Details
Updated NF 3rd Anniversary Details
5:37 AM
***Unstickied by Denaratuck to clean up GD section of forums***

Updated information regarding the NF 3rd Anniversary Event

These are the rules and restrictions for the NF 3rd anniversary event. Please read them carefully, and to all Fleet masters, please check that your fleet members are aware of these rules.

1.    Rules on Longest PlayLongest play will only count on Great Battle games. So, it will not count times inshipyard, waiting area, trade area, missions, etc. Logging will only begin once you enter the great battle room.

2.    Most ships sunk clarificationThe most ships sunk category will be decided based upon the total tonnage, not the number(this should bring a sigh of relief to FF and DD drivers).***EDIT 3/27*** Only statistics from Great Battles will be used to determine the most ships sunk.

3.    Macro and Bot UsersWe will scan the whole database once the event ends to weed out macro and bot users. Since we have given several warnings on this before, there will be no second chances and no mercy. Anyone who uses malicious programs  for cheating will be banned permanently and will be exempted from the event as well. If you are playing at PC Caf?or use these programs for other purposes, please make sure that such apps are not installed on the PC you will be using to play Navy Field, otherwise you will show positive in our scan. You are responsible for making sure that the PC you are using to play NF is clear of such malicious software. It is also for this reason that we highly stress not to share accounts as you can never be certain what sorts of applications a friend may have on his or her computer. Account holders will be held fully responible for their accounts.

*To add further info on this, please know that legitimate macro applications such askeyboard or mouse macros from Logitech, Razer, Microsoft, etc. are completely exempt. Thisalso includes NF-Fixer. Please do not be worried if you are using a legitimate macroapplication. We only will take action against those with apps specifically tailored forcheating.

4.    Our Credit Card SystemTo players who are using our credit card system (CPASS), please try to use other payment methods like Paypal, Google Checkout or Click and Buy. We have been experiencing many problems with that credit card system and we wish to remove it from our payments methods as a result. However, we cannot at the moment since we have a contract which expires next year. So, we ask that you please stop using it in order to avoid possible problems that may result. They are aware and working on fixing the problem on their end. We will let you know if it becomes stable.

5.    Premium Subscription Event BonusOne final point to make concerning the 3rd Anniversary Event is that Premium subscriptionholders will have an increased veteran conversion rate (up to a 300% increase compared to200% for non-Premium) plus, Premium subscription holders will receive extra XP gainscompared to non-Premium accounts as well.

Thank you and please enjoy the event.

Team NF 
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«  March 2009  »



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